Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The harmful effects of the USDA Food Pyramid

Along with religion, the medical industry has had to adopt the greatest refinements in order to maintain adherents -- they are often proved wrong through experience or experiment. Much is the same with healthful eating and the food industry. Even the supposed bellwether of nutritional well-being -- the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramid -- has been the subject of public scrutiny and pressure requiring changes. Still, it remains a contrived standard built upon political ideologies rather than sound nutritional needs.

Scientific studies generally begin with a premise -- the hypothesis sought to be proved or disproved. The basis for the hypothesis often evolves from anecdotal experiences such as poliomyelitis [Polio] can be treated through mobility. "Sister Kenny" was the Australian nurse who developed the effective treatment.

Although not a qualified nurse she had served in that capacity during World War I because of the dire need for nurses. During her service in the war she developed treatments for meningitis which became the basis for her Polio treatment. In 1929 she was summoned to provide car for a young girl suffering from Polio. At the time the normal medical procedure for dealing with infantile paralysis consisted of immobilizing the affected limbs in splints or plaster casts. Instead Sister Kenny developed a treatment using hot compresses and exercising the affected muscles. This method was reportedly successful and later subject to evaluation.

The Queensland Government Royal Commission evaluated Kenny's work and published its Report of The Queensland Royal Commission on Modern Methods for the Treatment of Infantile Paralysis in 1938. Its most critical comment was, "The abandonment of immobilization is a grievous error and fraught with grave danger, especially in very young patients who cannot co-operate in re-education." The medical community opposed her treatment methods yet when subject to scientific examination her method proved to be effective. After public awareness increased and pressure was placed on the medical community her treatment became the new standard.

The importance of the adoption of the Sister Kenny treatment method is that its' basis was founded upon a concept developed by a lay person in direct opposition to the accepted treatment method required by the professional medical community. It is often the observations or practices of people outside the professional community that provide the hypothesis for scientific examination and supported findings. Such has been the case of the evolution of findings and laws that relate to child custody.

It was long held that the tender years doctrine which provided that young children, especially girls, be provided for through sole custody of the mother while fathers remained a distant visitor was in the children's best interest. Fathers collectively began a movement challenging that belief and claiming that the results were poorer academic achievement, higher rates of drug use/abuse along with other deviant behaviours and incidents of abuse and neglect. Studies would later verify the claims by finding that when fathers were removed from the children's lives children were more likely to be abused, especially sexually, than if the mothers had been removed from their lives.

The lack of father involvement and support also led to greater incidents of delinquency, particularly aggressive criminal acts. This resulted from the children's brains becoming hardwired for impulsive aggression as a consequence of abnormally higher or lower serotonin levels and chronically elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels. The effects of lack of parental involvement are further corroborated through the treatment of premature babies.

When I was young, the medical community -- as it so often does -- required the opposite be done of what produces a healthful result and prolongs treatment and increases costs. What a surprise that doctors would recommend a course of treatment that is more profitable to them. They insisted, contrary to logic, that premature birth babies not be touched. But what exactly do humans need for the first few years following birth -- a sense of security from significant and continuing parental involvement including touch. This lack of touch causes the babies brain to experience a sense of abandonment and therefore to operate in survival mode -- conserving energy for basic organ functions, then for growth and finally for social and cognitive development. It was no wonder that my premature birth classmates were developmentally retarded. Doctors made them that way by forbidding necessary touch, primarily from parents.

Although not politically correct to say it, the truth is that lack of parental involvement is harming children. In general, children of a single parent, unwed parents or ones who are regularly raised in an institutional daycare setting are being overstressed and suffering. These effects are compounded when malnourishment is added to the mix.

So now it is onto food

The Food Pyramid had its origins over 100 years ago although not officially recognized as a guideline until the 1917 How to select Food published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA]. In 1902, Wilbur Olin Atwater, Ph.D., an agricultural chemist, published a USDA Farmer’s Bulletin which emphasized the importance of variety, proportionality, and moderation in healthful eating in the diets of American males. In his research, he determined that the calorie was a means to measure the efficiency of a diet. He calculated that different types of food produced different amounts of energy, and he stressed the importance of a cheap and efficient diet that included more proteins, beans, and vegetables, and to limit the intake of fat, sugar and other starchy carbohydrates.

But that is not what was recommended using the Food Pyramid. This is because the food industry in the United States is highly regulated, highly manipulated, and over politicized with artificially inflated prices.

Although a myriad of fad diets has been propounded through the years nothing has proven to be more successful and beneficial than a diet based upon the evolved needs of the human body. There are a plethora of fad diets that are less effective than sensible food consumption based upon primary physiological needs resulting from the evolution of the human body and the available food supply.

False diets include anything with prepackaged meals, all-or-nothing classes of nutrients -- the high protein, low fat, no carbohydrates -- and the starvation based plans. It is clear that the American diet, whether a program or habitual, is harmful as exhibited by the obesity epidemic.

It is important to understand the distinctions between what is a food and what is edible or consumable. A food is implicitly nourishing and can be processed by the body for the objective of nourishing the body -- providing energy, and resources for growth, cognitive development and the maintenance of organ functioning.

This is why all of the food plans that I put my clients on are premised upon a prohibition of high fructose corn syrup [HFCS], hydrogenated oils, artificial colours and artificial flavours. Although each is edible they do not provide nutrition. Even gasoline -- an effective nutrient for a combustion engine -- is consumable but not an effective nutrient for the human body.

Low cholesterol diets, often followed by people with cardiovascular concerns, may provoke impulsive or aggressive behaviour. The consequences of diet are often subtle but significant.

Children and adults who consume foods consistent with the food pyramid may appear healthy -- full of energy, growing or maintaining body weight consistent with healthful expectations and feeling good. But beneath these surface indications brews a harmful potential, especially for violence and depression.

The Food Pyramid at its core is based upon a high consumption of unhealthful fats and proteins such as those found in meat and dairy products. These are compounded by the inclusion of GMOs. A report based on a study done by Brigham and Women’s Hospital indicates that not only are the fats in meat and dairy harmful for the heart but may also reduce brain functioning.

A proper balance of healthful foods can not only produce positive physiological effects but can increase brain functioning as well as elevate mood. Livestrong.com suggests the following to help boost Serotonin and Dopamine -- two neurotransmitters associated with combating depression and other mood disorders.

Cold-water fish, such as tuna, herring, salmon and mackerel, are high in the B vitamins, which help trigger the production of serotonin and rich in the polyunsaturated fatty acid known as omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish also help trigger the production of serotonin. A third reason to consume fish is that it is a good food source of the trace mineral selenium. A low intake of this mineral has been linked with depression. You can meet your selenium needs by eating more fish. Other food sources of selenium include whole grain cereals and breads.

Vitamin B6, found in abundance in leafy green vegetables, fish, poultry and whole grains helps elevate serotonin to "feel good" levels. Not consuming enough folate-rich foods can also decrease the amount of serotonin in your brain. In fact, folate deficiency is a common nutrient deficiency in the United States. Often, those who have been diagnosed with clinical depression have low levels of folate in their bloodstreams. Leafy green vegetables and starchy beans, such as chickpeas, kidney and black beans, are rich in folate, but it is easily destroyed by cooking. Enjoy your leafy greens raw as often as possible.

Tyrosine is another important amino acid. It encourages your brain to release dopamine and norepinephrine. Tyrosine-rich foods that help increase dopamine levels are almonds, avocados, bananas, lima beans, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.

Recommendations by nutritionists have seemingly been ignored by the USDA. However, that is far from true. Senator George McGovern's bipartisan, non-legislative Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs to testimony in January 1977 from Ancel Keys and other doctors and scientists. The Committee then published the "Dietary Goals for the United States" recommending that all Americans reduce their fat, saturated fat and cholesterol consumption, and increase their carbohydrate consumption to 55-60% of daily calories.

Upon release of the guidelines, lobbyists for the cattle, egg, and dairy industries exploded into congressional offices to demand changes to the guidelines. Congress was telling people that animal products were bad for health!

These industries were able to use their intense pressure to persuade the committee into revising the report in late 1977. In 1980, the USDA partnered with the Health and Human Services department to issue the first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which eventually became the USDA Food Pyramid.

The net result of a diet based on the USDA Food Pyramid recommendations is the maladaptive effects of abnormally high weight or body size, increased levels of psychiatric conditions -- chronic stress, depression, and various mood disorders -- reduced cognitive development, alertness, socialization problems including impulsive control, hypertension, and lowered productivity.

As with nearly all government regulations or recommendations the purpose is not to maximize your health or well-being. In fact, the intent is to do just the opposite. Regulations exist to limit competition and opportunities for less costly and more healthful alternatives. Recommendations are made to ensure longevity but reduced healthfulness which results in more frequent and longer period of services from the very profitable medical industry.

Blind adherence to the dogma or propaganda of profiteers will certainly cost you financially and well as steal your well-being from you. In extreme cases it can take your life.

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Parents who would like to achieve the best outcome for their children in a contested child custody case should visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me. Attorneys may request a free consultation to learn how I can maximize their advocacy for their clients.

Connect with me for the latest Indiana child custody related policy considerations, findings, court rulings and discussions.

View Stuart Showalter's profile on LinkedIn

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©2008, 2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.


Monday, July 30, 2012

The Olympic uniforms, Politicians and disrespecting athletes

As news that the uniforms for the athletes representing the United States in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London had been assembled in China broke some people, including politicians, expressed indignation over that decision. I have given some pause since that time for an opportunity to hear what is most important -- support for the athletes. That has yet to come.

As a former trainee at the United States Olympic Training Center [OTC] in Colorado Springs I was fortunate enough to be seen as a potential Olympic athlete and receive training at no cost to me. The lessons I learned about nutrition, physiology and sports psychology I still use to this day in my life coaching. Unlike others who attended,my career was cut short soon after returning from Colorado when I was hit by a truck and nearly killed.

One of the athletes that was also invited to train at the OTC in the same session I attended was Lance Armstrong -- eventual seven-time Tour de France champion. The OTC provides opportunity for hundreds of athletes each year to receive training and be evaluated by the coaching staff. We trainees are often the seedlings from which the crop of eventual Olympic participants are harvested. It is because of the generosity of individual and corporate contributors that I and many of our Olympic athletes had this opportunity.

It is therefore very unfortunate that narrow-minded, self-serving politicians get involved to further their political objectives. They have likely never made the sacrifices or commitment that we athletes have done in our pursuit to represent our country in the Olympic Games. In 1980 and 1984 governments showed great disrespect to athletes by forbidding them from competing in the Olympic Games. Now, although indirect, we have politicians who would again deny some athletes from competing in the Olympic Games by having their opportunity to attend training camps cut off.

The US Olympic Committee has a finite set of funds to further our pursuit of Olympic victory. One of the ways this is done is by funding training camps at the OTC. If we can have more athletes receiving training because the Olympic Committee saved money by purchasing clothing from China then I am all for it as I would rather support the athletes than low wage seamstresses in the US.

If politicians truly cared about the real purpose of the US Olympic Committee, supporting athletes, then they wouldn't try to divert attention from the accomplishments of these dedicated athletes and instead make it a political issue. They should be ashamed but these despicable opportunists have no shame.

If you would like assistance in improving your physical fitness and well-being then please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

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More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Take the Driver's Pledge

As the Brickyard 400 weekend at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway rolls into our consciousness I am reminded of the significance that Indianapolis has played in the development of automotive vehicles. So important is the combustion engine to the IMS that when people arrive on bicycles they get told to leave. It is an automotive community reserved for those who further the tradition of engine powered mobility.

Earlier this year I told you about abandoning my automobile. It has been the most liberating thing that I have ever done. It ranks right up there with getting released from prison or more accurately being forced out under threat of chemical assault.

So as the ole cranial encased matter gets activated on this issue while pondering whether I will be able to get to IMS on Friday to watch the Grand Am Rolex Sportscar Series race. I thought that I would present a driver's pledge to be recited whenever you start your vehicle.


will be used to show off my wealth to those with less means
will be used for my comfort and convenience
will help me maintain an excessive body mass
is more important than the children who suffer from asthma


that I will shelter myself from any thoughts of a moral transgression by using the defense mechanisms of rationalization and denial.

Those are two powerful defense mechanisms which we have all used at some time. Unfortunately, they rarely are of benefit in the long run. There is a myriad of idioms about which which I will not proceed through.

Rationalization allows a person to proceed with an action or inaction that is counter to his or her moral compass or accepted societal norms by thinking of a reason to transgress those expectations. You may see a young mother with children stranded alongside the roadway appearing to be simply waiting. Your instinct tells you to stop and offer to help but you don't because you are in a hurry due to the excessive wait in the Starbucks drive-thru.

Here is where rationalization kicks in -- I am sure someone else has already stopped to offer assistance; Everyone has a cell phone nowadays, she has already called someone; or, It looks like she is waiting on someone that she has arranged to pick them up.

Denial is far more dangerous of a tool than rationalization. Denial is a way of shutting off the messages about a moral obligation or accepted standard. It has been popularized in pop culture so much to the point that it has been used in parody. What I am speaking of is the mother who adamantly defends her child accused of murder screaming, "He didn't do it. He wouldn't kill no body!". Well honey wake up and realize this -- if no body commits a murder then we call it suicide or accidental death. But some people are murderers and they are someone's child.

The things that elicit the rationalization or denial response are not pretty matters. I face this on a regular basis as I coach parents or do mediation for those involved in high conflict child custody disputes. It is those particular parents that are so ingrained in their personal agenda that rarely do they even realize their harmful actions. But once confronted they bring out the two dancing marionettes -- rationalization and denial. It can be quite a show that is put on for which I counteract every act.

While the high conflict parents blatantly display their malfeasance it is the underlying or pervasive forms of rationalization and denial that do the most harm to children including those whose parents maintain what appears to be a healthy marriage and family.

It is well known that a child's brain is not hard-wired from birth. What used to be thought of a "being born that way" has given way to the reality that a child's behaviour is conditioned by environment. The biggest culprit in adverse behaviour and psychiatric conditions, particularly depression and the manic spectrum, is stress and the physiological response of cortisol. It is the elevated cortisol that leads to violence, high blood pressure and other ailments in addition to the psychiatric conditions.

A substantial contributor is the use of institutional child warehousing centers where infants as young as six weeks are surrendered for periods generally in the range of 8-10 hours a day. What neurologist and social scientists have come to realize is that these institutions do not provide the optimal stimulation, nurturing and sense of security that two well-adjusted parents can provide.

Often these centers can be better than some parents but in total they are not a viable alternative to parental interaction if we are to have well-adjusted children taking over the reigns of our society.

Aptly demonstrating this harm to their children generally elicits the rationalization responses. "I checked out a lot of centers before selecting this one." "It's just part of our modern society." "Oh, everyone does it and children are still turning out fine."

Oh really. I checked out a lot of street narcotics and this one is not nearly as addictive as meth. Hitler's "modern society" employed the institutional child rearing concept 70 years ago. Finally, if children are all turning out fine then why have the cases of depression, criminal aggression, high blood pressure and the manic spectrum at least doubled fo them from 1970-1995?

If you really want to be the great parent that you feel that you are or imagine yourself to be in the future then rationalization and denial must be discarded. For help with this or any other parenting issues please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

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More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Movie patrons responsible for their own deaths

Just two days ago Abdul posted a link on his Facebook page about the woman who is suing the Kroger Company [KR] because an employee shot and killed her son during a botched strong-arm robbery attempt. Her cause of auction alleges that Kroger's was negligent in preventing their employee from having a handgun on the store premises inviolate of company policy.

I posted the following comment on Abdul's page at 9:16 pm just a few hours before the Colorado movie theater terrorist attack.
Stuart Showalter-Political The corporate mantra is - don't take responsibility. Which was then adopted by schools and now some families. Just keep in mind, the government can do everything better than any of us and they are here to help. ;P

My comment reflected the prevailing cultural shift about personal responsibility. This phenomenon started long before my birth but has rapidly accelerated with the spread of socialism across North America.

As recently as the Nuremberg Trials former Nazi officers presented a defense that they were just following orders and therefore were not responsible for their actions. Ultimately though they were held accountable for their actions on the basis of each person still maintains a degree of autonomy and shall be held responsible for his or her actions.

Concurrently there was a shift occurring in corporate governance whereby the broad powers that managers once held began to be restricted. Instead of intuition or gut feeling being the driving force behind fiscal decisions rubrics were developed top level executives to guide the decisions of their underlings. Responsibility was being eroded which would eventually reduce the primarily decision making aspects of management to a processing role.

The same followed for personnel managers. The qualifications for employment are no longer a demonstration of satisfactory performance and character but instead supplying documentation of completion of particular courses of training and a sufficient criminal aptitude of avoiding prosecution for crimes. Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of believing that a clean criminal history presents a non-criminal

I was once asked by a large school corporation to work for their gifted and talent program. I asked if there was any degree requirements and was told yes. I then said I would have to decline the offer. The same was true when I was asked to teach a law course for a community college.

These administrators knew me and knew I was qualified based upon my demonstrated abilities. They were each able to make the proper judgment call but that responsibility has been stripped from them. Having a degree is not synonymous with qualified. The reason that I advise attorneys and have had to have judges correct their rulings is that I am more competent, qualified if you will, in my area of law. Yet I have no law degree, haven't attended law school and have taken the BAR exam.

As our country still muddles it's way through the housing quagmire created by property purchasers refusing to fulfill their responsibility to pay for the properties as agreed we must acknowledge that these "buyers" were qualified.

It's was through civil rights legislation that bank loan officers began being stripped of their responsibility for making loans to qualified applicants. No longer were applicants approved based upon a demonstrated predictability to pay using knowledge personally gleaned by a loan officer. Instead, a rubric developed at the federal level by bureaucrats following Congressional mandates was imposed upon bank loan officers. Meeting numerical criteria now became the true measure of qualifications. We see where that got us.

We haven't done much better when it comes to families. While the corporate world was stripping it's decision makers of autonomy and responsibility Ronald Reagan came along and decided to push for legislation to make tearing down the family structure easier. As Governor of California he led the effort to make California the first state to abolish adherence to marriage vows and the responsibility to family. As his effort spread across the nation we began to see the turn in positive outcomes for children to where they are on the down slope now.

So where does this get to the injured and dead at the Colorado movie theater shooting? Well, from what I have heard and read about the incident no one shot at the alleged gunman, James Eagen Holmes. This is consistent with numerous other mass shootings that have taken place during the latter part of the twentieth century to the present time. The one I most vividly recall was the 1984 San Ysidro McDonald's massacre where James Oliver Huberty got off over 250 shots before being killed by a SWAT team member SEVENTY SEVEN minutes after the assault began.

As an apt demonstration of how out-of-touch he is with reality President Barack Obama said he was "shocked and saddened" by the rampage. A well-informed and intelligent person with any sense of history would not be shocked by this incident. It follows a simple course of logic.

Over the past 50 years there has been a deliberate effort to indoctrinate members of our society into a belief structure that they are not responsible for their actions. Further, that someone else will be responsible and if anything goes wrong they can absolve themselves of all blame because they followed the established codes related to responsibility and personal autonomy.

As society continues to enact policies and procedures to satiate a demand for psychological tranquility by absolving its members of guilt these types of incidents will continue. We have corporations enacting policies that prohibit employees from protecting themselves, schools doing the same with employees and students and commercial establishments or others who cater to the public also joining in.

Behind it all is the profiteers who make money when you relinquish personal responsibility for your protection and also from scrapping your bloodied dead ass off the walls. With rights comes responsibility and conversely with responsibility comes rights.

So what it comes right down to is this: Although they may not have pulled the trigger, those patrons and society at-large are responsible for their deaths or injuries in that shooting rampage. The unarmed theater employees didn't stop it, the police didn't stop it and the unarmed sheeple didn't stop it. The reason these high death count rampages didn't occur 50 years ago was not for want of effort. It's just that the assailants got taken down before they could complete their task. Quite simply the less defense that is presented the greater the effectiveness of the offense. Just about five hours prior to the movie theater shooting rampage I was in downtown Indy at a political strategy meeting where one of the attendees had his gun openly strapped to his waist -- I have never felt safer except when wearing my body armour.

Give up your rights if you wish and paint a target on your forehead. As for me I prefer to maintain my rights and accept responsibility for where I am. For just as everyone else, regardless of whether they forsake it through denial, I am ultimately responsible for where I am in life; my wealth, my health, my relationships, my job, my happiness and my education. In short -- my life.

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Make a suggestion for me to write about.

Parents who would like to achieve the best outcome for their children in a contested child custody case should visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me. Attorneys may request a free consultation to learn how I can maximize their advocacy for their clients.

Connect with me for the latest Indiana child custody related policy considerations, findings, court rulings and discussions.

View Stuart Showalter's profile on LinkedIn

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©2008, 2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Will a change in philosophy guide the 2012 Indiana Parenting Time Guideline amendments?

The Domestic Relations Committee [DRC] of the Indiana Judicial Office met in regular session today to continue the process of amending the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines [IPTG]. Under current mandate the DRC is to review the IPTG every ten years. The current revision process began when Marsha Cline Pruett, at the invitation of Judge Karen Love, wrote comments to the DRC in early 2010. This was followed by an announcement that the public was invited to attend a hearing and also submit comments.

The original IPTG were the offshoot of a hearing on child support where more people spoke about parenting time, then called visitation. The first statewide parenting time guidelines were adopted in 1999. Prior to that time some counties such as Lake and Allen has their own guidelines.

The public input phase of the current revised IPTG was completed earlier this year after those proposed revisions were published. Now the exhaustive finalization of the language is the current phase which will be followed by the final step of submission to the Indiana Supreme Court for adoption. I eagerly prognosticate that to be the final step as the revisions have endured through careful consideration and I have confidence that they will be adopted.

Today's meeting focused on whether the committees' preference towards establishing earlier and greater parenting time with the non-custodial parent is supported by established clinical findings.

There was no discussion during the morning session about particular language of the proposed revisions but instead a philosophical discussion occurred about the use of comments by "experts" and the results of studies.

When the process was originated over two years ago a determination was made not to base revisions on the input of an expert because the experts have biases and still contradict each other as does the empirical data. After 30 years of study there is still no unanimity on attachment theory.

The committee did work on language to attempt to convey the intent that children have overnight parenting time with the non-custodial parent [NCP] as early as practical. The language requiring that a NCP demonstrate experience in having provided hands-on care for the child is moved but remains. Although there was discussion about a burden shift for the NCP to attain overnights the decision was made to keep the burden on the custodial parent to demonstrate that the NCP has not provided the required care.

There had been an issue of the draft published for comment did not exactly track the current IPTG. Thus a side-by-side comparison could not be made between the existing and proposed IPTG. This month the draft was revised to track the existing IPTG.

Overall the continuing attitude amongst these leaders of judicial child custody reform is that children do need the active involvement of both parents. One judge in particular articulated her reasons for granting primary physical custody to fathers more frequently now: Mothers are not establishing permanent residences. Fathers are filing paternity cases prior to the birth of the child asking for such things as the mother continue under the care of a doctor or that they get an order establishing their time with the child following birth since the mothers have become antagonistic towards them.

She further elaborated that many of the women who appear in her court are resistant to providing or increasing the opportunities for a child to have parenting time with the father for reasons that are not valid and do not relate to the best interest of the children. Fathers have broken up with these women who feel scorned and don't want him to see the child because "I am mad at him" and are therefore not getting primary custody.

The days when mothers were seen as untouchable in child custody cases and fathers participated as visitors only are rapidly disappearing. While the clinical community has been slow to adopt the findings that children do need both parents those practitioners who are in the trenches have been armed with significant evidence that validates those findings.

If you need assistance with a child custody issue then please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

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More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Never hire an American employee

First take note of the title of this posting -- Never hire an American employee -- where I have very intentionally made a distinction between employee and worker. There is just cause for this.

The United States is currently experiencing the deepest and most protracted period of labour demand withdrawal since the Great Depression. In a presidential election year the reasons behind this are as narrow as they are polarized.

The two factions of the Incumbent Party are embattled in a blame game and have each proposed numerous bills for the purported purpose of creating jobs. However, the reality is that neither faction produces any jobs. Instead it has been their actions that have led to reduced demand for American employees.

For most companies advertising for help produces nothing more than a parade of "applicants" wasting their time and resources by doing nothing more than submitting applications. Rarely are these actual applicants, but are instead people routinely applying for the sole purpose of satisfying a government requirement in exchange for obtaining a welfare handout.

Cyclical financial gyrations are a part of the normal market process. There will be periods of high worker demand and periods of lower worker demand. This is one of the reasons why I try to get my clients to have cash on hand available for two years worth of necessary expenses. I have rarely encountered anyone who can meet this simple readiness strategy. Instead many American workers place onerous demands on employers that are beginning to rival the French. They feel that they have an entitlement to employment and the benefits.

Employers are no longer willing to accept the risks associated with hiring new employees. An 06 July 2012 U.S. Labor Department report showed that companies asked workers to contribute more hours rather than hire additional employees. A report released today by the National Association for Business Economics indicated that only 23% of the employers surveyed planned to add new staff in the next six months. That is down from the April report where 39% who responded then said that they planned to do so. Clearly just in the past few months employers have shifted their thinking about hiring new employees and instead have sought to increase the workload of their current employees. It's because of the up front non-wage costs that employers don't want to hire. This is exactly what employees want. They have demanded all the add-on and perks that make it more cost effective for employers to pay overtime rather than hire additional staff. Employees are creating a wealth divide -- more for me, none for you unemployed -- by demanding those perks.

It's what are called fringe benefits that are greatly restricting employment now. Employers face significant costs and risk to bring in a new employee. First, which is prominent in the latest news headlines, are the sick care cost -- the expense associated with pre-purchasing medical services for our slothful and unhealthy population. There is also the risk of employee theft which accounts for more than shoplifting. There is a multitude of causes of action for which employees may sue. Pack on top of that the administrative costs of compliance with government regulations. Not to be lost among these other aspects is the underlying purpose for having an employee -- productivity.

As I encounter and speak with CEO's from a wide range of goods and service providers I hear echoed the same sentiment that I make through my observations -- generally American employees are unreliable, lazy, unintelligent and have no dedication to the employer.

This was apparent to me in the construction industry. Immigrant labourers arrived on time everyday, were skilled and efficient in their trades, worked fully for extended periods of time and were satisfied with a reasonable wage. In contrast American employees seemed to have a penchant for seeking an excuse not to work. Often took breaks to smoke cigarettes or because they "were tired" and they also needed constant supervision. With so much costs and risks associated with hiring an American does it seem logical that more employers would not be outsourcing their employee needs?

An election in November will do nothing to alter the dismal employment situation in the United States now. Rather, the first step that needs to be taken is for the electorate to chose candidates that will adopt the Laissez Faire principles that will allow employers to thrive and expand thereby seeking to hire more Americans. Then Americans need to make themselves employable. If more Americans understood the economic principle of marginal costs then maybe they would be more appreciative of the opportunities that employers provide.

It's their own selfishness that has led to the decline of worker demand in the United States and those so-called workers are now getting their just rewards.

Anyone who wants work can find it or make it. If you need assistance in making yourself more employable and ensuring your financial security then please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

Subscribe to this blawg.

More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Abandoning our one party political system

In many context I have been forced to repeatedly state the reality of the world that what it is it is. The meaning behind this phrase is that regardless of the name or description given to an item or concept that does not change what it actually is. You have likely already heard it in the idiom -- call a spade a spade.

In our political system terms such as blue and red, right and left, conservative and liberal, and finally Democrat and Republican are juxtaposed for the purpose of contrasting opposing viewpoints. It is this constant bombardment of terms that has molded the consciousness of the American political system as being two embattled encampments seeking to protect and serve their represented constituency. However, I contend that we have neither two opposing parties nor representatives of the needs of the people.

Examples of how reality directly contradicts the image portrayed by political parties are readily evident in abundance. Recently dethroned six-term U.S. Senator Richard Lugar has long run on a campaign of Hoosier conservative values. The Republican Party has marketed itself as the representative of the conservative platform. When I first became involved in political campaigns, the year 1987, it was in support of a candidate running against Lugar. Lugar, whom I referred to as a liberal, is a lifetime politician who has a long track record of endorsing government price controls and opposing free-market capitalism. He has recently voted in support of Sonya Sotomayor for the appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court and reasoned that he is in no position to oppose a qualified candidate nominated by the president. Lugar also supported McCain-Feingold free speech restrictions. Yet, the Republican National Committee [RNC] funded a campaign to oppose Lugar's challenger and eventual nominee, Indiana Secretary of State Richard Mourdock. Another recent Indiana contest aptly demonstrates the coalition between Democrats and Republicans.

In 2009 a then member of the Indiana House of Representatives, Marlin Stutzman, announced that he would seek the Republican nomination to challenge Indiana U.S. Senator Evan Bayh. The following year during backroom chatter of Bayh's upcoming retirement announcement the RNC tapped a Washington lobbyist living in Virginia who was also a registered voter of that state to oppose Stutzman.

With strong financial support and significant public endorsements of Dan Coats, the RNC's hand-picked replacement for Evan Bayh, gained more support than Stutzman and replaced Bayh. But Dan Coats has stated that a "partisan mindset is irreconcilable with my philosophy of governance ." What this means is that Coats does not agree that legislators should be partisan -- relating to or excessively devoted to one party, faction, etc. In essence he is saying that he will not devote himself to a philosophy in opposition to his so-called opponent in the U.S. Senate.

When you have the national leadership of a political party vehemently opposing what it considers to be rogue candidates like Mourdock and Stutzman and instead supporting candidates who vote alongside the opposition on major issues or state that it is not consistent with their political philosophy to oppose the other party then you must call it what it is. What it is it is -- two factions of a one party system that maintains control by focusing the attention of the electorate on those opposing but philosophically aligned factions.

Clearly though the electorate does not support the collective agenda of the RNC and the Democratic National Committee [DNC]. Polling indicated that voters with high knowledge of the candidates supported Stutzman over Coats. It was name recognition among casual/uniformed voters that led to Coat's victory. Mourdock's stunning 61-39% win over the RNC supported U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar was the largest margin of victory in a primary election ever over a lifetime U.S. Senator.

To this day I still do not belong to or align myself with any political party and still decide which ballot to use in the primary election on the day I vote. I always remain open to the views of all candidates and the possibility of voting for any. I recently spoke with Rupert Boneham, the Libertarian Party candidate for Indiana Governor, which I will write about after a follow-up interview. I have often voted for Libertarian candidates, likely moreso than the two factions of the incumbent party.

While the waring factions of the incumbent party continue to draw wasted votes the Libertarian Party is gaining support and momentum. It is through a consistent commitment to an ideological platform that supports fiscal restraint, personal liberty and social justice that has led many to leave the one party fracas in search of a viable alternative.

Others remain unconvinced and often justify their allegiance to a faction of the Incumbent Party as the "lesser of two evils". I can think of no better way to waste a vote than to cast it for someone whom you consider "evil" unless you are evil. That is a significant demonstration of the moral depravity to which our society has sunk.

If you would like to see greater social justice, less intrusion into your personal life and have more control over your earnings then I encourage you to consider the Libertarian Party. You may already be a Libertarian and not know it -- take the test here.

For assistance in understanding how system dynamics work to limit your choices, how to gain complete control over your life and methods to improve your well-being please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

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More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Relief from the heat

I recently wrote about Hoosiers demanding higher temperatures during our recent triple digit heatwave. In that piece I described some of the causes and actions, often with unintentional consequences, that raise the ambient temperature. After receiving some feedback and questions I now condense much of what I have already told my Life-Coaching Services clients about relief from the heat. Through these recommendations on relief from the heat I seek to clarify the methods by which you can obtain relief.

The acute human contribution to elevated temperatures during high heat periods is known as the Heat Island Effect which can raise the ambient temperature in urban settings from 2-10 degrees Fahrenheit. This results in urban dwellers doing even more to seek relief from the heat and thereby compounding the problem. The primary method by which people seek relief is through air-conditioning which perpetuates greater discomfort and heat production. It was estimated that 80% of American households had air-conditioning by the year 2000. It is further predicted that saturation will exist by the year 2050. Except for my home. I refuse to use air-conditioning as my basis for maintaining optimal health, relief from the heat and enjoyment of life. Additionally there is a very small portion of the population that seeks to optimize their well-being and will also not facilitate the use of air-conditioning and its' detrimental effects.

Although I may only be an anecdotal study much of the experimentation that I have undertaken upon myself has later been confirmed through empirical study. While air-conditioning may provide temporary, life-saving relief for some at-risk individuals, particularly the elderly, the overall effect is still a net negative. That is, air conditioning does more harm than good.

Before I list the strategies for relief I take a moment to remind you that where you are in life is where you have put yourself -- through conscious decisions -- thus rendering you where you want to be. Each of these are very simple methods that require only the will and decision to follow them. Though many excuses may be offered as to why these options are not viable they are nothing but the result of denial -- a coping mechanism used to avoid taking responsibility for personal failures.

I do provide detailed analysis as to how the decisions clients make have led to the reduction of choices in their lives resulting in what many call obligations. So I now delineate some simple strategies for relief from the heat that require only the decision to adopt them as your lifestyle.

1) Maintain a reasonable weight. If you are a male with greater than 5% body fat or a female with greater than 12% body fat then you are excessively large. Trying to attain the stature of an elephant is not an efficient cooling method. Elephants cool themselves through the flapping of their ears which are flush with blood veins. That action is similar to the way air flows across the radiator in your car. But in humans that elephant sized added bulk requires more effort by the heart and muscles to ove which both produce heat in the body.

2) Relocate to a more temperate climate. The reason that I have no sympathy for the elderly is that they have been adults the longest with the ability to choose to live in a more temperate climate. Chicago being hot in the Summer is not a 21st century phenomenon. Pack your bags and move -- try Vancouver.

3) Relocate to cooler housing. I have already told you about the Heat Island Effect. Even in downtown Lebanon, Indiana where I live the Heat Island Effect can be felt. Although I prefer temperatures in excess of 90F most people do not but have done little to cool their homes naturally. While residing in the same region you can still live in naturally cooled housing. Subterranean dwellings require no artificial cooling and use less energy to heat. This includes partially buried houses that still have windows on the main floor. Locating amongst heavy foliage also has a cooling effect. Generally, the taller the better. Trees provide not only shade but also cooling ground water dispersed into the air. The idiom cool as a cucumber has a scientific basis. During warm periods the core temperature of a cucumber is around 20F cool than the ambient temperature.
Also, don't live near dry cleaning facilities, fast food restaurants, manufacturers or large parking lots. These all raise the ambient temperature.

4) Line dry clothing. This one is so obvious that I nearly neglected to mention it. Clothes driers are the most wasteful of household appliances. Not only is free heated air readily available outside but a clothes drier produces heat in your home. Then there is the ancillary heat production either from the coal fired electric plant or the gas exhaust pouring out of the pipe in your roof.

5) Stop mowing your lawn. Think this only applies to machine powered mowers, think again. This dual purpose recommendation has the obvious reason of not producing heat from a combustible engine but also not keeping foliage trimmed to the ground. As previously noted herein taller foliage provides a cooler atmosphere.

6) Finally, stop using air conditioning. The list of reasons here is exhaustive but I will stick with the major ones. First, air conditioning deprives the body of its natural ability to acclimate to the seasonal change in temperatures and thus be comfortable on warm days. Thus, exposure to heat becomes more shocking and potentially uncomfortable. Some non heat related effects are greater susceptibility to illness, increased blood pressure, respiratory aggravation, dry skin, aggravation of arthritic conditions and dehydration.
Dehydration is a particular concern for the elderly and infants. If you have ever exhaled onto a cold window and fogged it up then you have observed the amount of moisture in your breath. That is moisture that must be replaced as it dissipates into the low humidity atmosphere.
The direct heat production from air conditioning is the cooling of the condenser. This will be a free standing unit for central air or the part to the outside for window units. You can readily feel the net heat production from either of these that are surrounding your home with heat as you attempt to cool it. Notice any contradiction?

Most of what I have recommended here originated through advice on expanding control over one's life and finances. All of these recommendations provide a financial cost savings. Additionally, most also reduce what you may see as "dependence" or "obligations". Will your home be cool or clothes get dry when the power goes out because of excessive demand on the grid? Will you have to juggle your schedule to make a trip to the doctor for treatment of an air-conditioning induced adverse medical condition?

If you want relief from the heat then start with these simple recommendations. If you would like to take control of your life, give yourself options, reduce your dependence and obligations then please visit my website and contact my scheduler to make an appointment to meet with me.

If you would like to follow my activities more closely then send a friend request to my Political FaceBook page.

Subscribe to this blawg.

More information about child custody rights and procedures may be found on the Indiana Custodial Rights Advocates website.

©2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Psychology book review - A demonstration of bias against fathers

While I was utilizing one of the psychology text books used by Lebanon High School I became acutely aware of the very deliberate gender bias being programmed into our children as it relates to parenting. I then decided that I would read the entire book to find examples and provide commentary. After an exhaustive examination here are those findings.

The words or situations in the scenarios presented provide an often less than overt bias -- which can easily be dismissed. The danger here is the subtlety of the bias that is being imposed on the young impressionable minds that can foster a lifelong prejudice and further exacerbate the already problematic sole parenting. Each example begins with the page number followed by the identifying section in brackets [ ] and my commentary also in brackets [ ].

125 [Under the section Are There "His" and "Her" Brains?] Because of the centuries of prejudice against women and a legacy of biased research on gender differences, some scientists and laypeople do not even want to consider the possibility that the brains of women and men might differ, on average, in some ways. [the authors would have us believe that perceptions of differences in men and women are based upon researcher bias which does exist. The reader is likely left with the impression of bias against women although that is never stated in the text. I will be writing a future posting about this very issue and the male dominated field of psychiatry and the labeling of the brain functions of women in a manner consistent with malady rather than difference]

The book is constructed in a manner that provides anecdotes, situations, probing hypothetical questions and instructional guidance to help the student understand the psychological perspective being examined in each section. When I have used italics that is a direct quote from the book.

Examples of Bias Against Women

348 [Under the section Altruism and Dissent the authors note that men are more likely risk their lives to save others] Indeed, a study of Canadian awards that have been given since 1904 to individuals who risked or lost their lives to save others found that only 9 percent have gone to women. [the paragraph goes further to speak of women having risked their lives in other situations. It may be that this is to reinforce a bias that men are more rewarded for the same experiences. In reality though it is more likely that the situations that men are traditionally employed in such as police and fire are more often rewarded.

355 [Under the section Defining and Measuring Prejudice the authors reported on a unilateral definition of sexism] In research with 15,000 men and women in 19 nations, psychologist found that "hostile sexism," which reflects active dislike of women, is different from "benevolent sexism," in which superficially positive attitudes put women on a pedestal but nonetheless reinforce women's subordination. [this reporting of research findings in which someone else expressed an anti-male bias is a manner in which that bias is perpetuated by the authors. There is sexism which defines males as having "strength" and being a "bread winner". This selection justifies sexism against men by not acknowledging that it exist.]

Examples of the authors being gender neutral

21 parents and their infants come to the laboratory.

The reason for the clunky word "object" in object relations, instead of the warmer word "human" or "parent," is that the infant's attachment is not only to a real person . . .

90 [Under the section Learning to be Good the authors present an appropriate gender neutral scenario] For example, when you did something wrong as a child, did the adults in your family spank you, shout at you, threaten you, or explain the error of your ways? [notice that gender neutrality is applied to a punishment situation]

Examples of fathers as abusers, financial providers, punishers or visitors

[Under the section Social Cognitive Theory the authors talk about how two people can go through the same experience but come out of it with two different lessons from it.] One may regard being grounded by their father as evidence of his all-around meanness, and another may see the same behaviour as evidence of his care and concern for his children. {It is not the view of meanness, which is contrasted by the view of care and concern which expresses a bias here. It is good that it shows an involved father but again is limited to discipline. "A parent" or "parents" could have easily been used.

44 [Defense mechanisms] "A woman who is afraid to admit to herself that she fears her husband may instead cling to the belief that she loves him."

86 [In talking about Piaget's sensorimotor stage the authors write] banging on the table with a spoon will produce dinner (or Mom, taking the spoon away). ['or the spoon being taking away' would have served the point just as well but in this instance the author's have again eliminated father as a care provider and intentionally chosen mother only. Further down the page in this section the authors make a reference to father] The child becomes able to hold a concept in mind, to learn that the word fly represents an annoying, buzzing creature, and that Daddy represents a friendly, playful one. [this may appear balanced and is one of the few representations of a father. But it does not show the father in a provider role and is more representative of a visitor.]

287 [This sentence is representative of a bias and demonstrates the danger of bias] Many women and some men came to believe, during psychotherapy, that they could recall long-buried - "repressed" - memories of having been sexually victimized, usually by a father. [among the youngest children women actually commit more molestations than men. The sentence could be just as effective in conveying the thought without adding usually by a father. The word father instead of man is denigrating fathers specifically. This adds to the bias against fathers and is an attempt to impart in the mind of the student that men molest their daughters not females in general.]

291 [The authors give an example of a phrase used in an argument between lovers] If you have a fight with your lover, for example, the central theme in your story about the fight might be negative ("He was a jerk") or neutral (It was a mutual misunderstanding). [The negative connotation is attributed to a male while the other example is gender neutral.

315 [In the Quick Quiz No. 3] Your father, who rarely calls you, has finally left a voice-mail message. Should you reply quickly or wait a while so he will know how it feels to be ignored? [This question could have been gender neutral - one of your parents, or parents - yet father is singles out. Not only does it show that father to be less likely to be emotionally supportive but also, indirectly, shows the father to be out of the child's life, most likely a non custodial visitor parent. The child must be living with mom. A bias that is again normalizing fatherless homes.]

317 [In a section about punishment there is a photo showing a father smacking his child with a belt. This again is reinforcing a gender stereotype that it is not only the responsibility of the father to inflict punishment but that fathers are abusive by using corporal punishment.]

322 [Under the section Social Cognitive Theory the authors talk about how two people can go through the same experience but come out of it with two different lessons from it.] One may regard being grounded by their father as evidence of his all-around meanness, and another may see the same behaviour as evidence of his care and concern for his children. [It is not the view of meanness, which is contrasted by the view of care and concern which expresses a bias here. It is good that it shows an involved father but again is limited to discipline. "A parent" or "parents" could have easily been used.]

371 [Under the section Mental disorder the authors give examples of behaviours that are destructive to self or others] Some behavior is harmful to the individual sufferer -- such as the behavior of a woman who is so afraid of crowds that she cannot leave her house, a man who drinks so much that he cannot keep a job. . . [Then they go on to mention examples of those who do acts harming others] a woman hears voices telling her to stalk a celebrity [The victim bias is promoted throughout this section. Females are victims of their mind, being afraid of a crowd or being 'told' to stalk a celebrity. Males on the other hand are drinkers and by implication stalk by choice.]

381 [In one of the authors' most blatant attempts to show bias they leave the reader with one sentence at the end of the section titled Depression;] "Women think and men drink."

382 [Under the section Life experiences and circumstances the authors cite a domestic violence study (Ehrensaft, Moffitt & Caspi, 2006);] "Women who suffer from domestic violence are also more likely to become depressed and anxious." [The authors chose to cite a study that excludes the largest domestic violence population: men. When my wife beat on me, abused our child, pointed a gun at us and threatened to kill us I was anxious, I was depressed, I was and am still a man. What about me? This is a flagrant attempt by the authors to perpetuate the myth that those who are in control, women, don't use violence to stay in control.]

441 [Under Quick Quiz the first question is.] "A 3-year-old sees her dad dressed as a gorilla and runs away in fear. What brain structure is probably involved in her emotional reaction?" [This is just another example, although done in an innocuous way, that reinforces the stereotype that fathers are scary and mothers are comforting.]

454 [Under the section Stress and Emotion the authors start with] Perhaps you have heard people say things like "She was so depressed, it's no wonder she got cancer" or "He's always angry, he's going to give himself a heart attack one day." [You just saw that neither gender is angrier than the other but here, as throughout the text, the authors give an example of the male being the angry or aggressive one while the woman is the victim.

Examples of mothers as the sole or primary care giver

15 [In the section Ask Questions; Be Willing to Wonder a child asks various questions] "Why is the sky blue, Mommy?" [no one refers to a father, leaving the impression that fathers are not involved with regular care of the child.]

18 [examples used for oversimplifying, stereotypes] one dishonest welfare mother means they are all dishonest [this may be seen as a negative about a mother but more importantly it demonstrates parenting without a father as an accepted norm.

47 [Object Relations School section authors say] The reason for the clunky word "object" in object relations, instead of the warmer word "human" or "parent," is that the infant's attachment is not only to a real person (usually the mother) but also to the infant's evolving perception of her."

55 [Heredity and Temperament] As toddlers they tend to be wary and fearful of new things - toys that make noise, odd-looking robots - even when their moms are right there with them.

59 [In an example of child rearing styles the authors chose this] As one child we know said to her exasperated mother, "Why are you so mean to me today, Mommy? I am this naughty everyday." [This may appear as a negative representation of a mother but what it misses is the involvement of a father]

79 [Section of Separation and Anxiety begins] Once babies are attached to the mother or other caregiver, separation can be a wrenching experience. [fathers must be lumped in with the group other caregivers]

81 [Quick Quiz 3] - A baby left in the Strange Situation does not protest when his mother leaves the room, and seems to ignore her when she returns. [The term parent could have easily been used here but again the subtle elimination of fathers is shown.]

82 They already have some mental concepts for familiar people and objects, and their first words represent these concepts ("momma," "doggie," "car"). [Mommy and Daddy have long been used together as first words but now da-da is eliminated. Babies have a mom, a dog and a car but apparently no father.

86 [In talking about Piaget's sensorimotor stage the authors write] banging on the table with a spoon will produce dinner (or Mom, taking the spoon away). ['or the spoon being taking away' would have served the point just as well but in this instance the author's have again eliminated father as a care provider and intentionally chosen mother only. Further down the page in this section the authors make a reference to father] The child becomes able to hold a concept in mind, to learn that the word fly represents an annoying, buzzing creature, and that Daddy represents a friendly, playful one. [this may appear balanced and is one of the few representations of a father. But it does not show the father in a provider role and is more representative of a visitor.]

Examples of fathers as the sole or primary care giver

Examples of placating deficiencies in women

245 [Under the section The Triarchic Theory (2) the authors wrote] For example, a student may do well in school, where assignments have specific due dates and feedback is immediate, but be less successful after graduation if her job requires her to set her own deadlines and her employer doesn't tell her how she is doing. [this is subtle but attributes deficiency in the work performance of a female to an actual deficiency in the brain. This would be just as true for men.]

371 [Under the section Mental disorder the authors give examples of behaviours that are destructive to self or others] Some behavior is harmful to the individual sufferer -- such as the behavior of a woman who is so afraid of crowds that she cannot leave her house, a man who drinks so much that he cannot keep a job. . . [Then they go on to mention examples of those who do acts harming others] a woman hears voices telling her to stalk a celebrity [The victim bias is promoted throughout this section. Females are victims of their mind, being afraid of a crowd or being 'told' to stalk a celebrity. Males on the other hand are drinkers and by implication stalk by choice.]

382 [Under the section Life experiences and circumstances the authors cite a domestic violence study (Ehrensaft, Moffitt & Caspi, 2006);] "Women who suffer from domestic violence are also more likely to become depressed and anxious." The authors chose to cite a study that excludes the largest domestic violence population: men. When my wife beat on me, abused our child, pointed a gun at us and threatened to kill us I was anxious, I was depressed, I was and am still a man. What about me? This is a flagrant attempt by the authors to perpetuate the myth that those who are in control, women, don't use violence to stay in control.]

398 [The authors examined the Andre Yates story as an example of the results of the psychological disorder depression. Yates killed her five children supposedly because she had to care for and educate them. The authors mention after the birth of their fourth child "a clinical psychologist warned her against having another baby." They say her husband refused to stop having children and add that it was not for religious reasons. It appears that the authors think that or they are trying to insinuate that the man determines when a woman has children. If a man killed the children do you think they would mention "but his wife wouldn't stop having children" and blame the deaths on her?]

446 [Under the section Gender and Emotion the authors start with "Although women are more likely than men to suffer from the mood disorder of severe depression" which again portrays women as victims, the "sufferers". They follow by managing to cite the stark contrast to the images of genders that they have previously demonstrated which is; "there is little evidence that one sex feels any of the everyday emotions more often than the other, whether the emotion is anger, worry, embarrassment, anxiety, love or grief."] [victimization rather than someone who lacks control and takes on too much responsibility]

462 For the Psychology in the News section the authors chose the story of Clara Harris who intentionally drove over her husband in a fit of rage, killing him. The authors mention that he was "unfaithful" before even mentioning that she murdered him. This fact selection presentation tries to predispose the reader to her being a victim, that he was deserving of some punishment. This example reinforces the myth that women kill because they are driven to it by uncontrollable emotions.


156 [Under the section Mood and "PMS"] Because so many people now take it for granted that most women have "PMS" and that it is a serious emotional problem for some, the two of us have been accused of bias for simply reporting the data disputing these assumptions. [the authors admit to having been accused of bias but attribute it to the reporting of data. Yet, throughout this text we can see examples, as I have shown, of bias in reporting or examples.]

Public "educational institutions" are actively pursuing an agenda to mold the impressionable young minds of our children in a way consistent with the political objectives of the financial backers. I use "educational institutions" in quotes to represent that these exist in name only but more accurately these are instructional institutions. Implicit in "education" is learning and understanding. Without a student learning there is not education but only instruction or training. Of the students that I have spoken with, other than my son, none were able to identify the biases that exists throughout school text books and the underlying social, political, financial and moral motivations perpetuated by the authors or publishers. For them only training has occurred, not education, because they are unable to identify an understanding of the subjects for which they have received instruction.

Through greater awareness of implicit and hidden biases you can take control of your life.

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©2008, 2012 Stuart Showalter, LLC. Permission is granted to all non-commercial entities to reproduce this article in it's entirety with credit given.
